Sparrow on the Cocos2D Podcast!

Daniel Sperl on August 24, 2011

Yes, you’ve read the title correctly! April 1st is long gone, so this is no joke! :-)

Cocos2D banner thankfully borrowed from ;-) (I considered adding a few pink and red hearts between the two logos - but perhaps this would have been a little too cheesy *g*.)

Mohammad Azam and Steffen Itterheim, the creators of the Cocos2D Podcast, have been kind enough to invite me into their podcast. In a session of about one hour, we talk about different things related to the Sparrow Framework - like how it came to life, what sets it apart from its competition, and about the next steps that are planned. Furthermore, I have a mysterious announcement to make (!), and I shamelessly advertise for Gamua’s next Sparrow application, Kabaam! I’d be honored if you checked it out under the following link:

Cocos2D Podcast: Daniel Sperl explains the Sparrow Framework

Thanks again, Azam and Steffen - it has been a pleasure chatting with you!