Gamua at the Adobe MAX

Daniel Sperl on April 12, 2013

Adobe’s “Creativity Conference”, MAX, is just a few weeks ahead: it takes place from May 4th to 8th in Los Angeles.

For the first time, Holger and myself will attend the conference. We’re very excited about this! I hope we’ll meet many users of Starling and Flox there, and maybe even some Sparrow developers! It would be great to finally get to know some of you personally.

Game Frameworks Panel

We’ll even be part of one of the sessions: The Game Frameworks Panel, which takes place on Wednesday morning. In this panel, I’ll be joined by Josh Tynjala, the master mind behind Feathers and Rob Bateman from Away3D.

We will be talking about recent developments of the all three frameworks, as well as our future plans. You’ll also get a sneak peek at a secret new project we’ve been working on; but I don’t want to spoil anything! ;-)

The panel contains time for an Q&A session; I will be glad to answer anything you always wanted to know about Starling.

One last thing: As a speaker, I’m allowed to give away a promo code that will save you 300 USD on the conference price. So anybody who’d like to come and hasn’t registered yet: use the promo code “MXSM13” and register here.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!