September 16, 2010

Tweens & Jugglers - An in-depth look at the Juggler

This time, I want you to show how the juggler works and how you can use this simple tool to be the master of your animations. This topic comes up quite often in the forum, so I thought a detailed explanation might help a lot of you. In reality, tweens...

August 24, 2010

Tweens & Jugglers - Animating your stage

A little late, but hey! better than never ;-), we will have a look at the linchpin of Sparrow’s animating powers: Tweening. What’s a Tween, you ask? Let’s have a look at Wikipedia: It tells us that tweening is “the process of generating intermediate frames between two images to give...

August 11, 2010


As you all know, one of the most important new features of iOS 4 is multitasking. I just found out that the scaffold and demo projects I provided with Sparrow 0.9 had problems with multitasking - and this might be similar in your existing Sparrow projects. Fortunately, the fix is...

August 7, 2010

How to make HD games with Sparrow

Before the release of the iPhone 4, developers were in the comforting situation that all iPhones had the same screen resolution (unlike Android developers, which have to support many kinds of displays). Now, with the arrival of the iPhone 4, there are two screen resolutions that can be targeted: 480x320...

August 3, 2010

Sparrow Game Programming Tutorial has just posted a great tutorial that might be interesting for those of you who are just starting to develop their first game with Sparrow, or who want to get an introduction on game development with Sparrow. The extensive tutorial shows you how to create a simple action game...

July 31, 2010

No chicken: Sparrow 0.9 is out!

Hello everybody! I am happy to announce that Sparrow 0.9 has just cracked its eggshell and found its way to the download section. Without further ado, I’ll describe the most important changes in the following sections. The detailed change list is, as always, part of the download package. Beware: Interface...

July 18, 2010


In 2009 we decided to develop three iPhone games (namely Find it!, PenguFlip and Twins) with our Austria-based partner Funworld. During the development of our first iPhone game Find it! we saw that there was a need (at this time at least for us) to create a gaming framework that...