Learn Starling with Online Video Courses

As with every new technology, the hardest part is getting started: installing the right tools, getting used to the new workflows, finding your way around in the API. This process is much simpler when you know somebody who has been there before, somebody to look over the shoulder to see how it’s done right.
Many of us don’t have this option, of course. But I am happy to announce that you can still learn from the best - in two online courses brought to you by some of the most experienced Flash developers around!
Building Flash Games with Starling
The first course was created by Lee Brimelow. With a total length of three hours, it will teach you all you need to know to build your first Starling-powered game, a classic space shooter with lots of particle effects and outer space action! The finished product will run in any Flash-powered browser, and on your favourite iOS or Android device, of course.
Head over to lynda.com to find the complete course: Building Flash Games with Starling.
Starting with Starling
But we’re not finished yet! There is another set of equally amazing video tutorials available: the “Starting with Starling” series from Hemanth Sharma. In this course, you’ll watch Hemanth while he creates the game Hungry Hero from start to finish. Hemanth even published the game in the App Store to prove the point!
You can watch the complete course for free on his website: Starting with Starling
I personally want to thank Lee and Hemanth for their outstanding work on these courses! It’s amazing to have support by such talented people.